Arta Kusumaningrum


Climate change impacts that occurred at this decade requires an awareness and adaptation in the face of the public, especially farmers. Awareness and adaptation of climate change is a form that to achieve sustainable agriculture. Awareness is not only to understand, but also to know what we had done to resolve impacts of climate change. From this awareness can be creat one of the behaviour such as adaptation. Adaptation can be done by the management of climate/weather by 4 gatra that is adjustment gatra, weather forecasting gatra, modifications gatra, and substitutions gatra. Gatra fourth function is used to manage the climate/weather to reduce the impact of climate change in particular the agricultural sector. In addition for managing climate/weather with the gatra fourth, we are needs to be responsive to the environment. That means the need for an environmental response action to love and preserve the environment so that the environment is not damaged and remain awake.


climate change; awareness; adaptation


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