Pengaruh Kepuasan Dan Motivasi Karyawan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Panen

Imam Hidayat, Cepriadi Cepriadi, Yulia Andriani, Eliza Eliza


Palm oil is a leading commodity in Indonesia, especially Riau Province which is the largest producer of palm oil in Indonesia. The productivity of palm oil companies is highly dependent on the performance of the harvesting employees of the company. The increase in the performance of the harvest employees is influenced by the job satisfaction and work motivation of the harvest employees. This study aims to analyze the effect of harvesting employees' performance at PT Johan Sentosa and to analyze the influence of factors that affect harvesting employees' performance at PT Johan Sentosa. This research method uses descriptive analysis with Likert scale and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed 1) The satisfaction variable, the motivation variable and the performance variable were in good category, this can be seen from the company's productivity which remained high even though the plant was not productive at the age of 2). The satisfaction variable and the motivation variable had a partially significant effect on the performance variable


Satisfaction; Performance; Motivation


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