Analisis Nilai Tambah Ubi Kayu Sebagai Bahan Baku Keripik Singkong Balado Di Kecamatan Tenayan Raya Kota Pekanbaru

Rayhans Saragih


This study aims to (1) describe the profile of spicy cassava chips businesses in the Tenayan Raya District. (2) Understand the process of making spicy cassava chips in the Tenayan Raya District.  (3) Analyze the production costs and revenue generated by the spicy cassava chips agro-industry in the Tenayan Raya District. (4) Analyze the added value of cassava chips from cassava processing into spicy cassava chips in the spicy cassava chips agro-industry in the Tenayan Raya District. The data analysis used in this research includes business income analysis, business efficiency analysis, and value-added analysis. The data used in this research are primary data in the form of interviews and secondary data from research journals. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) There are three spicy cassava chip businesses in the Tenayan Raya District, namely "KUB Sejahtera Cassava Chips Business," "Bu Sholihatun Cassava Chips Business," and "Mas Huryanto Cassava Chips Business." (2) The production process of spicy cassava chips in the Tenayan Raya District includes raw material selection, peeling and washing, cutting, frying, seasoning, and packaging. (3) The average production cost of spicy cassava chips in the Tenayan Raya District is Rp 2,978,008.60, with an average income of Rp 8,093,333. (4) The percentage of added value of the spicy cassava chips agro-industry in the Tenayan Raya District is 43.88%, indicating that the added value of the spicy cassava chips agro-industry in the Tenayan Raya District is still relatively low.


added value; cassava; income


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